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Re: Funny values in yield column of fund performance report

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Posted by Mark on January 26, 2004 at 09:04:31:

In Reply to: Funny values in yield column of fund performance report posted by WhyAskWhy on January 26, 2004 at 02:26:49:

: :: I have always presumed that the "%Gain-I" column on the portfolio performance report was the column to use to track portfolio performance between any two dates.
: On 12/31, I added a new purchase of a new investment into my portfolio. This seems to have dropped the "%Gain-I" for all reports ending on 12/31. I don't understand why a new purchase would affect the portfolio performance if it occurs on the end date of the report date range. Is "%Gain-I" the stat for tracking portfolio performance? If not, what is?

: : All of the %Gain figures don't really factor in the time the money
: : was invested. For this reason, they aren't always the best measure
: : of performance. The ROI yields on the other hand do factor in
: : when the money was invested. You may prefer to look at the "Yield" column
: : in this report to get a better measure of performance. For a more
: : detailed description of each column, just select "Help/Help on Report..."
: : while viewing the report.

: : Thanks,
: : Mark

: With your advice, I have started to use Yield column in the fund performance report as a measure of portfolio performance. However, I'm still getting some strange values. On one row, a fund with no purchases or redemptions between the report dates has a yield of 200% when the fund performance has been around 7%. Is this a bug, or does the yield column have some limitations I need to be aware of?


All of the yields are "annualized", so if this 7% increase happens over a
relatively short period of time, then the annualized yield can be much
larger. If you don't think this is the cause, please e-mail me the specific
investment file in question, along with the specific report type and date
range you're using to see this 200% figure, and I can try to see the
reasons for the yield.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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