Re: fund of funds question
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Posted by Lawrence Brandon on August 31, 2004 at 17:48:18:
In Reply to: Re: fund of funds question posted by Pam on August 27, 2004 at 14:32:10:
: okay, so i just realized that this message board isn't for my type of questions.. but i'm hoping that someone will still help and comment.. : : : question...
: : i've currently got my portfolio in muni bonds (50%), index fund (25%), and market expansion fund (25%)... all with a fund of funds... : : i'm very young though, and recently i was told that i should not have so much in muni bonds, esp short-term muni bonds...because i have time and therefore should be more aggressive... : : i was thinking of putting it all in the index fund, but because i'm not familiar with any others, i don't know which one is best... : : when i put the money in, i did so blindly (i know, stupid..)and have suffered the consequence.. my investment has lost nearly 30%. does anyone have any advice? good books? i just recently read personal finance for dummies and investing for dummies, so am a little more familiar with basics now, but would appreciate any other suggestions... From Hi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes Hi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes Hi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes Hi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes Hi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes Hi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes vHi Pam; Depends on how much money you have to invest. I personally would by good quality Companies that pay a reasonable dividend if you need the money spend the dividends if not reinvest them. But bear in mind you will have to pay taxes on the dividends You will pay no management fee and if you put the money in drip stocks you will pay no commissions either exception the first share of each co you buy. You will how ever have to keep up with the certificates & keep good records for tax purposes .