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Re: Canadian stock/mutual fund quotes

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Posted by Mark on October 21, 2004 at 18:05:11:

In Reply to: Re: Canadian stock/mutual fund quotes posted by Sheldon Doskie on October 21, 2004 at 17:28:33:

: : : Hi Mark,
: : : I downloaded version 342 and all is good. Would it be possible to also be able to capture the 3-month historical prices using Canada Stockwatch, seeing as they are available on the same page as the daily price quote?

: : : Thanx,
: : : Sheldon

: : Hi Sheldon,

: : I believe you have to be a subscriber in order to download the historical
: : quotes? I've tried it, and it seems to require a username/password...

: : Currently, we only support quote servers that do not require you to log on.

: : Thanks,
: : Mark
: : --
: : Mark Beiley
: : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003
: :

: Hi Mark,
: The 3-month historical quotes are available without a logon. I'm not a subscriber to their service and am able to access them. If you go to the web page I metioned previously and scroll down to below the 1-year chart, you'll find them there. They also have another page on their site where you can get 3-month historical prices along with other info such as Hi Lo Close Volume and more. All you do is enter a Symbol, Select U.S. or Canada, check "Quote", check "Closes" and click "GO". The URL is

: Re V.342 of the Quote server, there is good news and bad. The good news is that it now retrieves the prices okay. The bad news is that the High and Low for each stock is zero, and the Volume for each is not correct.

: Thanx for all your help, Mark. Love the program and the customer support is fantastic.

: Cheers,
: Sheldon

Hi Sheldon,

Thanks for the pointer to the 30 day historical prices. That is indeed nice.
I'll see about adding support for that. I too see it now.

Re V.342, I too see a problem. It worked with the ones I tested it with, but
there seems to be a dependence on the exchange prefix. I will look into it.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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