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Re: Late Price Updates Problem

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Posted by Mark on October 30, 2004 at 17:02:36:

In Reply to: Late Price Updates Problem posted by Stephen St. Denis on October 30, 2004 at 11:48:24:

: Sometimes my Canadian Mutual Funds prices arrrive a day or two late, e.g. September 30th price is recorded with an October 1 date.

: This messes up the Porfolio Performance report when I ask for the Last 1 Month for October. Since it can't find a September 30 price,it uses the August 31 price at the start price.

: The "Enforce Maximum Interpolation Range of x Days" is on where x=2, so I don't know why it's using the price for August. Even when I manually add a September 30 price, there is no change. The date range on the report says 9/30/2004 - 10/29-2004, but it's using August prices.

: Why is this happening? Should I change my interpolation settings? Is there a way to change the price date for all investments, i.e make all October 1 prices be recorded as September 30? This would avoid manually having to add the same price for September 30.

: Thanks,
: Stephen

Hi Stephen,

Are you only updating prices montly? If you create a Portfolio Performance
report starting on 9/30/2004 Fund Manager will report the "Beginning Value"
as of the close of 9/29/2004 (same as the open of 9/30/2004). If you only
have prices recorded on 9/30 and 8/31, Fund Manager will get the price from
8/31 for 9/29 for the beginning value calculation.

Interpolation range settings are only used for yields, the won't affect this
beginning value calculation.

Also, what quote server are you using? If you're using Canada Stockwatch
then the quotes should get updated for the date specified by the server, so
it shouldn't matter when they get updated.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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