Re: Late Price Updates Problem[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on October 30, 2004 at 17:02:36:In Reply to: Late Price Updates Problem posted by Stephen St. Denis on October 30, 2004 at 11:48:24: : Sometimes my Canadian Mutual Funds prices arrrive a day or two late, e.g. September 30th price is recorded with an October 1 date. : This messes up the Porfolio Performance report when I ask for the Last 1 Month for October. Since it can't find a September 30 price,it uses the August 31 price at the start price. : The "Enforce Maximum Interpolation Range of x Days" is on where x=2, so I don't know why it's using the price for August. Even when I manually add a September 30 price, there is no change. The date range on the report says 9/30/2004 - 10/29-2004, but it's using August prices. : Why is this happening? Should I change my interpolation settings? Is there a way to change the price date for all investments, i.e make all October 1 prices be recorded as September 30? This would avoid manually having to add the same price for September 30. : Thanks, Hi Stephen, Are you only updating prices montly? If you create a Portfolio Performance Interpolation range settings are only used for yields, the won't affect this Also, what quote server are you using? If you're using Canada Stockwatch Thanks,
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