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Re: problem with scheduled update

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Posted by Yvan Gladu on December 26, 2004 at 23:29:18:

In Reply to: Re: problem with scheduled update posted by Mark on December 26, 2004 at 23:22:50:

: : : : Hi Mark,

: : : : Recently you told me how to schedule update of multiple portfolios ( using the scheduled task). The problem is that at the end of the update of the 3 portfolios, as usual, a message saying that multiple changes have been made... I have to click OK but I was not in front of the computer, so the message was repeated many times and finally when I saw it and clicked ok I got an error message and the program closed. Since that incident I am unable to open again that last portfolio.1) What can I do to fix that problem now.2)That scheduled update was intended to be done unattended but it is a problem.

: : : : Yvan

: : : Hi Yvan,

: : : What exactly did the message say? Was it due to the auto-backup?

: : : What happens when you try to open your portfolio? Do you get an error message?

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003
: : :

: :
: : Excuse me for repeating the message: it was not visible on the board.

: : It was not due for the backup and when I try to open it nothing happen.If I do a right click on the name of that portfolio there is 0 KB...

: : It is a standard message saying win encounted a problem and the program will be closed or something like that.

: : Yvan

: Hi Yvan,

: The portfolio file (*.mm4) itself is 0KB? If so, and you do a "File /
: Open Portfolio..." and select that portfolio you should get some error
: message or something. How are you opening it? With that menu command?

: What version of Fund Manager are you using?

: I'd suggest trying to set up 1 portfolio first, and get that one working.
: If Fund Manager is crashing please let me know, along with the crash
: details, like the address of the crash.

: You may need to hit the "Refresh" button on your browser after posting
: a message, the message should show up right away.

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

Yes the *.mm4 is 0 Kb and when I try to open it there is no message... it is like emty??

The other portfolios are working. version is 6.8.344


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