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Splitting transactions between portfolios

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Posted by Dave Planting on January 04, 2005 at 18:26:18:

Just upgraded to Version 7. In past versions I've simply combined any like stock/fund purchases in the one master portfolio, even though the stock or fund was purchased in two different broker accounts (IRA vs Keogh). I'd like to now use the new sub-portfolio feature and separate the transactions by their correct broker account. I know which transaction belongs where because I've used the memo field of the transaction editor to record the correct broker account.

So far I've been able to duplicate the holding in the sub-portfolio by using the copy/paste function, but when I try to delete a specific transaction in one sub-portfolio it deletes it in all others at the same time. Is there any way to tell a specific transaction which portfolio it belongs to without having to go back and manually reinventing history? If I do have to delete and then re-enter transactions, will I have to create a new investment file, i.e. GE#1 and GE#2?


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