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Re: FM6-FM7 portfoilo's

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Posted by Mark on January 07, 2005 at 13:08:35:

In Reply to: FM6-FM7 portfoilo's posted by Lawrence Brandon on January 07, 2005 at 10:43:04:

: Hi Mark;
: It's a little late to be asking this question, but I have been using 3 portfolios since I first started using FM for about 10 years ago I have a price update portfolio which includes all investments I follow. A LDB portfolio which is only stocks I currently own and a NB portfolio for my wife. I have a history portfolio I use to open a new stock and get a price history.
: Since FM7 Beta I have been using these old portfolio's still FM7's default portfolio that opens at start up displays a message no open investments.
: 2 questions
: 1 am Missing anything in FM7 by not using it's portfolio system? I am planning to use manual transaction imports with a file I create. National Finance doesn't support any kind of transaction updates for any program. And National Finance is the financial clearing house Bank of America uses as a clearing house. There fore BAC finance doesn't support transaction updates eather. Manual imports work and are much safer. Time isn't a issue with me.
: 2 Can I import my old portfolio's to FM 7, or do I need to?

: Lawrence Brandon

Hi Lawrence,

You can continue using your same portfolios in FM7. Nothing has to change, but
if you want, you can make use of the new sub-portfolios. The advantages
to using sub-portfolios instead of multiple top level portfolios are:

1) You only have to use a single portfolio file, so now all your investments
are always open. No need to switch between portfolio files.

2) You can view multiple sub-portfolios at the same time. You can't view
multiple top level portfolio files (*.mm4) at the same time. For instance,
you can have a report, that sub-totals each sub-portfolio. You can also
overlay sub-portfolios on the Portfolio overlay graph.

I'm sure there are uses for multiple top level portfolios, but keeping
all your investments together in one portfolio file also makes it nice
to have everything in one place, and gives you more viewing options.

To open your previous portfolio files in FM7 you don't have to "import" your
portfolio file. Just open it with FM7. When you save a portfolio file in
FM7 that was created in a prior version you will get a warning about
converting the portfolio file to a new format. You can't open portfolio
files saved in FM7 with any prior version.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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