Re: Reading Int'l B Shares[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Douglas Darby on January 15, 2005 at 08:18:08:In Reply to: Re: Reading Int'l B Shares posted by Douglas Darby on January 15, 2005 at 08:16:18: : : : : : I track a low volume stock, Reading International B shares. FundManager has stopped recognizing the symbol apparently. Yahoo has this symbol as RDIB and it closed at 7.90 with last trade January 11. That's the symbol I have used in FundManager. FundManager says it's 8.20 and has not changed since December 15,2004. That's not fact according to Yahoo. Can anyone explain the problem? I also track Reading Int'l A shares (RDI) and have had no trouble with that. : : : : : : : : Where are you looking to see that RDIB hasn't changed since December? If you're : : : Thanks, Mark. I've checked both and what I find is that tracking of rdib.dat has stopped since 12/16/04. Can't figure out why as no other investment in the portfolio has been affected.... I'm tempted to delete rdib.dat and start over. : : : : I just looked this symbol up on Yahoo, and they have it as: RDI-B, not RDIB. : : Thanks, Ooops! Sorry... put the answer in the wrong spot. Adding the "-" to the symbol solved the problem... Thanks!
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