Re: date & price importing
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Posted by Lawrence Brandon on January 31, 2005 at 10:57:28:
In Reply to: Re: date & price importing posted by Mark on January 31, 2005 at 09:43:41:
: : Hi Mark; : : I did a manual transaction import for my dividends for January. I made a big mistake I opened my portfolio sub portfolio to import my dividends instead of importing to the master portfolio & Fm created 3 new investments& recorded a split for 2 investments I don't see how I could have done it by accident. Can you think of a way FM would record a spilt without being told too? : : I thought I might not have had a file open that I got a dividend for but the price was getting updated so it must have be open. : : Importing to the sub portfolio is what did part of the mess up because on my old back up computer I imported to the Master portfolio& every thing worked OK : : Another problem that is incontinent in all my dividend records the year is missing can I set FM 7 to show year automatically. my old computer is showing the date : : Hi Lawrence, : Just a tip for you... Whem importing or retrieving there is a "New Investment" : column in the preview dialog. This way you'll know if FM needs to create a new : investment for a particular transaction. : I'd double check that a split transaction wasn't in the importing file. The : other ways it can get recorded is either manually, or if you retrieve from : Yahoo (Historical) using the Professional version, there is an option to : retrieve dividends and another option to retrieve splits. : Are you saying that all your recorded dividends don't show the year? Where : are you looking to see this? : Thanks, : Mark Hi Mark; I just checked FM 7 on my XP machine the date year is missing on a whole screen full of Dividends for GE I checked another stock & saw the same results. I didn't check my old ME machine today but last Friday with FM7 I checked several investments & year # is there on ME machine. When I up dated the ME machine to FM 7 I copied the whole Data file from the XP machine to the ME machine, so a setting on FM on my XP machine is not set correctly or something in XP is messing up the dates year. I just checked the old machine dates for several investments all showed a date year I am looking at the date info in the edit all data function The date is missing in all functions, purchases, dividends, capitol gains& prices I checked Options Preferences, display & date format is set for MM/DD/YY The unusual splits didn't show up on old computer either. The date info is in there because I can see it if highlight a item and select the edit command. I have the personal version of FM The unusual splits probably occurred by trying to import to a sub portfolio : -- : Mark Beiley : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003 :