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Re: Capital Gains calculation

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Posted by Mark on February 19, 2005 at 12:06:47:

In Reply to: Re: Capital Gains calculation posted by John on February 19, 2005 at 11:51:42:

: : : I had one transaction in a mutual fund last year that should create a small capital gain. My Redemption record shows a sale of 292.056 shares @ 6.163 for $1800.00. The Capital Gains-AVG Report shows a sale on that date of 264.306 shares and a Sell Value of $1628.97. It gives me capital loss of $1367.69 when there should be a capital gain of $71.31. Why is there a difference in the number of shares in the Capital Gains Report compared to the Redemption record?

: :
: : Hi John,

: : Could it be that this sell is showing up twice, once as a short term and once as
: : a long term? The 2 items (short/long) should add up to the number of shares
: : sold in the sell transaction.

: : Thanks,
: : Mark
: : --
: : Mark Beiley
: : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003
: :

: Mark
: Thanks for your reply. That is correct. The short and medium term shares add up OK but it still reports a large capital loss when my adjusted cost base at the time of the transaction was less than the Sell Value. Perhaps I'm missing something in these calculations.

Hi John,

Is the expected cost basis something you calculated manually, or did you
see it in some report? Keep in mind there are 3 ways to calculate basis in Fund Manager, FIFO, AVG, or Specific Lot. Each one can produce different results, so you'll want to make sure you are looking at the same method for a given investment.

Your cost basis will be affected by all of your
purchases (including reinvestments). You might take a look at your recorded
transactions, and check they are all correct.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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