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Transaction retrieval for Ameritrade and Scottrade

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Posted by Yves Gauthier on February 27, 2005 at 16:39:56:

I have been a Fund manager user for many years. I am now evaluating version 7.1 (personal) to retieve transaction for both my Ameritrade and Scottrade accounts. I am however getting the following problems:

1) Ameritrade account:
a)I retrieve transaction for all dates.
b) When the "Preview Importing Transactions" screen comes up, it only contains 4 entries in it (it should contain many more). I went and browsed the file ofxretr.txt; Altought I don't understand all the tags in this file, I can tell that there are many more transaction in this file than the 4 entries listed in the Preview Importing Transaction screen.

Note: I am also using Quicken software to retrieve the transaction and I does retrieve them all.

2) Scottrade account:
Note: All the distribution from my mututal funds are set to be reinvested automatically (in scottrade).

When I retrieve the transactions, all the mutual fund distributions are recorded as Distribution of type OTHER. The buy portion of the transaction is not recorded (as if it was never re-invested). The end result is that the number of share are not matching.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

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