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Re: Canada Stockwatch & FM Version 7.1.362

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Posted by Derek on February 28, 2005 at 20:21:20:

In Reply to: Re: Canada Stockwatch & FM Version 7.1.362 posted by Mark on February 28, 2005 at 13:47:10:

: : Hi Mark,

: : Try Fidelity International - FII*POR it shows as $28.81 on 2/24 on Stockwatch (and that's the last quote date)and $29.16 on 2/25 on Advice for Investors. It looks like all of Stockwatch did not update on Friday (2/25) so that may be the problem and it may have nothing to do with the retrieve module. I'd be happy to use Advice for Investors (the symbols are the same as Stockwatch) but they append todays date to the update even tho (in the case of mutuals) the update is really yesterday (or three days ago if over a weekend - so today on Advice they show todays date but the update is really for Friday). Stockwatch shows the actual date of the last update.

: : Cheers,

: : Derek

: Hi Derek,

: On Stockwatch I see they are showing a price of $28.81 on 2/24 and when Fund Manager retrieves it also updates the price on 2/24 for $28.81. It sounds like the problem is simply that Stockwatch hasn't posted a price for 2/25. I'm not sure why that is...

: For the Advice for Investors server, it does not provide the date of the quote.
: Fund Manager uses the "Default Date" when updating prices from this server.
: If you retrieve on a Sunday it will update the price as of Friday, but if
: you retrieve on a Monday, it will update the price for that Monday. To read
: more about this, see:


: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

Hi Mark,

Just as a matter of interest I talked to Canada Stockwatch today and they had an internal problem which they finally fixed about 1815 hrs (PST) tonight and now all is again working as it should.

Thanks for all your help.


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