Cursor snapon logic suggestion[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Kamtsa on March 10, 2005 at 20:01:09:Hello, When I hover with the cursor on a overlay (multi line) graph with snap on enabled, the cursor snapping is somewhat un preditable: 1. There are sone 'corners' on the graph that I cannot snap to. I presume corner represent data points so the cursor should snap to them. If not, maybe showing an indication for data points may make things more predictable. 2. Sometimes the cursor snaps to one graph even though it is closer to another graph and I need to play with the cursor until it snaps to the graph I want to. How about using the following logic for snapon Step a: determine which graph is the closest to the cursor position. That is, the selected graph is the one that has a point A on it (not necesarily a data point) that is the closest the the cursor position. (the formula for a distance between a point and a line segment should not be too difficult to find). Step b: select from the graph selected in step a the data point closest to the cursor. Again, this distance is eucledean and not just on the X dimension. I think that this snapon criteria (or similar) will be very close to the user expectations. Thanks, Kamtsa
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