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Re: Retrieve Transaction Problem

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Posted by Mark on April 29, 2005 at 22:39:55:

In Reply to: Retrieve Transaction Problem posted by Tim Hayes on April 29, 2005 at 21:46:02:

: Mark - I've run into a problem when retrieving transactions that I wanted you to be aware of. I've got several accounts with Vanguard that have separate account numbers. I've put all of the accounts into the same portfolio. Some of the accounts have the same mutual funds in them, which are all set up as individual investments in Mutual Fund Mgr. When I retrieve transactions for one account, MFM inserts them into investments with the same name in different accounts. I moved the three investments that are updated each month into a separate sub-portfolio, but I still get the same result. All sub-portfolios are set up with different account numbers using their respective properties dialog box.

: Let me be a bit more specific to make sure I've been clear. I've got one investment with Vanguard in a standard taxable account - Vanguard Int'l Explorer that I invest in every month. I've also got another investment with Vanguard in an IRA rollover account, which is also Vanguard Int'l Explorer, but with a different account number. When I use retrieve transactions for the standard taxable account Vanguard Int'l Explorer, the correct data is downloaded from Vanguard, but MFM want to insert the data into the IRA rollover account. As I said above, each investment is in a separate sub-portfolio with a different account number.

: Am I doing something wrong? Or could this be a bug? I'd appreciate any ideas you might have on how to solve this problem. As it stands now, the retrieve transaction function is useless for me because I can't get the data to be inserted into the correct investment.

: Thanks. Tim Hayes

Hi Tim,

I'm not sure what is wrong, this definitely doesn't sound right. When you retrieve transactions you request the transactions for a certain account number. FM will only import into the sub-portfolio with that account number, it shouldn't be possible to go into a sub-portfolio with a different account number. I would double check that you don't have the account numbers assigned backwards? Also, you can retrieve for just one sub-portfolio, and if the transactions aren't getting updated like you expect you can open up the "ofxretr.txt" file in the Fund Manager directory. This file contains the data sent back from the broker/fund company, and contains the account number, and all the transactions. You can see if you got back the transactions for the expected account. If this doesn't help resolve the issue you can send me your portfolio, investment files, and this ofxretr.txt file right after an errant retrieve. Please also send me the details of the specific transaction that went into the wrong investment, and I can take a look.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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