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Re: Transaction retrieve into existing investment?

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Posted by Rich on May 17, 2005 at 19:17:40:

In Reply to: Re: Transaction retrieve into existing investment? posted by Mark on May 14, 2005 at 20:18:53:

: : : : : : : Fund Manager matches up investments based on symbol. It only looks in the
: : : : : : : portfolio that you're retrieving for the investment with the matching symbol.
: : : : : : : Maybe Hewitt has a different symbol than what you've got recorded, or maybe
: : : : : : : it isn't providing a symbol at all... You can go ahead and do a retrieve,
: : : : : : : and let it create a new investment. If you don't really want to save this
: : : : : : : new investment, just quit Fund Manager without saving your investments. Before
: : : : : : : exiting Fund Manager make sure "Options / Save Investments On Exit" is turned
: : : : : : : off. This way, you can look at the investment properties of this newly
: : : : : : : created investment, and see what symbol Hewitt thinks should be assigned.

: : : : : : If I allow FM to create new investments, I get three new files, and all three have blanks in the "Symbol" attribute. If I either do a subsequent retrieve into the portfolio with the three new investments, or change my existing investments to blank out the "Symbol", transactions for all three investments go into ONE investment file (apparently whichever one FM finds "first" with the matching/blank symbol).

: : : : : : These mutual funds are not publicly traded, so they don't have normal/real trading symbols. Seems like I need FM to use more than just symbol to "disambiguate" the funds. The investment files created by FM did have different "Name" attributes, so it would seem that FM could/should match up names when symbols are ambiguous.

: : : : : : P.S. I have no idea how Quicken or MS-Money handle this, but the Hewitt site provides direction for using both (which I consulted to figure out how to enter my userid into FM), so my guess is they work OK without requiring a change (for nonblank symbols) at Hewitt.

: : : : :
: : : : : Hi George,

: : : : : Okay, thanks for the information. I agree that would be a good idea. I'll
: : : : : see about getting this into 7.1. If the symbol is empty, then it will resort
: : : : : to comparing against the name field.

: : : : : Thanks,
: : : : : Mark
: : : : : --
: : : : : Mark Beiley
: : : : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003
: : : : :

: : : : I just had the same problem with Fidelity NetBenefits. FM created new investments for all my funds and properties revealed no symbol in the symbol field, just Fidelity fund name field. Does this mean that if I change my investments to match Fidelity's names, FM will match the names on transaction retrieve when it does not find a symbol?

: : : : Thanks
: : : : Loren

: : :
: : : Hi Loren,

: : : If FM created the new investments, and the symbols were empty, then Fidelity
: : : is not reporting the symbol. In version 7.1 we will match first on symbol,
: : : and then if the symbol is empty, it will match on name. So yes, you can
: : : adjust the name to be the same as reported by Fidelity, and if the symbol is
: : : blank, it will match up on name. This change will be in version 7.1, it is
: : : not in 7.0 currently.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003
: : :

: : Mark,

: : I just had the same problem with my NetBenefit accounts also--it could not match up on the symbol so I used the name to match up which worked great. However, I would assume that I can no longer get updated pricing from the internet without putting the symbol back into the investment. Is there a way where I could tell the app to use the symbol for price updates but the name for transaction updates?

: : Thanks,

: : Rich

: : ps. Great product by the way!

: Hi Rich,

: Thanks for the report. Yes, this is a problem. We need to decouple the transaction and price symbols. Actually, I'm considering adding a CUSIP field to the investment. The transaction retrieve really provides the CUSIP with each transaction, and then also a lookup from the CUSIP to the Name/Symbol. If the transaction retrieve just matched on CUSIP, then you could use the CUSIP for transaction retrieves, and still use the symbol for price retrieves.

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Mark Beiley
: Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the update, the solution sounds great. Any idea on time frame? Right now I am putting the symbol in when I update prices and then removing it when I do transaction updates--ir's a bit time consuming.

Thanks again!


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