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Re: Retrieving AXA transactions

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Posted by Mark on June 28, 2005 at 16:01:55:

In Reply to: Retrieving AXA transactions posted by Ryan on June 28, 2005 at 15:51:41:

: I recently downloaded the Fund Manager Advisor program and am having problems downloading transactions from AXA accounts. The login and passwords I used work fine on the website. I spoke to the AXA-Advisors help desk and they said that I should be able to download the data without a problem. Any reasons why this isn't working?

Hello Ryan,

Do you get some sort of error message when you retrieve transactions? Is it saying your login information isn't correct?

Fund Manager retrieves transactions from their "Open Financial Exchange" (OFX) server. This is a different server than their web server at This is the same technique that MS Money and Quicken use to retrieve transactions. Often, you need to have a special account, or have your broker enable this feature for you to be able to log onto their OFX server. If it is a logon error that you're getting you might call them back and ask specifically about enabling transaction retrieve for Quicken/Money, as they've probably not heard of Fund Manager...

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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