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Re: Moving averages

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Posted by Mark on August 12, 2005 at 11:43:25:

In Reply to: Moving averages posted by James C. Plummer on August 12, 2005 at 10:30:33:

: Mark,
: When I enable moving averages overlay on my charts I get 5,30,52 which I assume are weeks. Is it possible to change one of them to a variable that we can enter for example 10 for a 50 day moving average?

: Also Is there a way to display a comment field at all times on the charts. Presently I use the stock name field but at times it is to short for the information I want to see. I would like to stick a note there that is always displayed to remind me to check something. For example I might want to post a note that this company is expecting results on a test on Nov 15 2005. That way I can be remember to check news when the date approaches. You could put a display on screen checkbox next to description in the new investment form and increase the length to say 64 characters or add a new "SCREEN NOTE" field with a display on screen checkbox. The note or description could then be displayed below the name on the screen only when the box is checked.

: Finally I have read the information on Options, I can enter the trades with no problem, but I have never been able to retrieve the daily information for options. I have tried PC quote with no luck, I may be entering the wrong symbol, but I enter the symbol that I bought the option under. For example Dec $5 call for napster is -RXULA I have tried to retrieve it with the following symbols RXULA, -RXULA, NAPS-RXULA, NAPS RXULA and NAPSRXULA all returned with an error. Any Ideas

: Closing Comment, I have been using Fundmanager for at least Six years now. I started I think on version 2 and now am at 7.3 pro and I thank you for a great program.

Hello James,

Yes, you can adjust the moving average weeks. From the "Graphs" window choose "Graphs / Options / Moving Average Weeks...".

Thanks for the feedback/idea on the screen note. About the best alternative I can mention for now is to use a "Note". The note marker will appear for the date you specify, and if you mouseover the marker the text will display in the status bar.

I looked up that option symbol, and if you use PC Quote with a symbol of:


that will retrieve it.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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