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Interpolated prices on ROI Yield

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Posted by Bill on August 13, 2005 at 00:09:18:

Hi -
The ROI Yield Report has me a bit puzzled in the longer date ranges. Sometimes I'll get a * for interpolated price, or an N/A if there's no data close enough to interpolate - that part makes sense. But other times I'll see the yield in one column carried across identically to the later columns. In some cases 10y yields are reported even though the investments are less than a year old.


I purchased 2 lots of VEURX, both in May 2005. That's it, no other transactions. However, I did retrieve 10 years of price history.

When I look at the ROI Yield Report, it shows:

3m 44.80
6m 39.33*
1y 39.33
3y 39.33
5y 39.33*
10y 39.33*

Since my earliest investment is in 2005, why don't I see N/A in the longer time periods? I thought the ROI yields were based on the actual date I invested.

It's also curious that the values in 5 different time periods are identical...

The above numbers assume yield interpolation range is either set to 2 days or not enforced. I experimented and changed it to 1 day. The *s changed to N/A, but the remaining numbers are no less puzzling - they're identical and they pre-date my investment.

3m 44.80
6m N/A
1y 39.33
3y 39.33
5y N/A
10y N/A

Can you help me understand what's going on?


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