Re: Options[ Q2 03 - Q4 05 Archive ] [ Current Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on August 17, 2005 at 20:06:32:In Reply to: Re: Options posted by Didier on August 17, 2005 at 15:28:55: : Hi Mark, : Thanks for the answer. : I think I cannot directly get price updates from the reports, only transactions. : If you look how they report the prices in the report, same problem, they report "price per option", and not the contract price. : Here the typical extract from the report: (this was from the file I once sent to you). : : or a position report on the same ticker parsed with your software, from another report. : - POSOPT : further down, you find the details like the share per contract (100): : - OPTINFO : So, maybe a future option setting to multiply the unit price by 100? : I am sure I am not the only one with this problem. I do not know what the official OFX documentation has to say on this?, apparently this is how MS money or quicken handles it. Completely illogical, normally there cannot be a position not multiple of 100, but what do I know?. : One last thing, in case you try to retrieve this price yourself to experiment. If you retrieve the prices from yahoo, you have to add .X after the official symbol, in this case NFIHH.X
It looks like the right solution is to have FM read in the "SHPERCTRCT" information, and update the shares as 500, rather than 5 contracts. I will try to get this support added to the retrieve/import. Do you have an OFX file that has this transaction type (not shown as a position, but a transaction), that you could email to me? For now, I'd recommend editing the transaction to adjust the number of shares up by a factor of 100. There is also the "File / File Operations / Scale Prices..." command, but that would be more of a hassle to use whenever you update prices. Thanks,
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