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Re: I'm totaly confused!

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Posted by Mark on September 28, 2005 at 12:32:41:

In Reply to: I'm totaly confused! posted by DmitryS on September 28, 2005 at 03:17:00:

: Hello,
: I'm using FundManager for several years, and finally I came to the point when I need your help. So, I've upgraded my registered version 6 to 7.0. Everything works fine. Then, on the other computer I installed version 7.4 and copied my portfolio to that computer.
: Now, when I compare "Portvolio Cost - Value" on two computers, "Value" is different! Everething else (transaction, portfolio cost, value of individual investments, reports) is the same.
: It seems to me, that I'm making some very stupid mistake, that I can't identify.
: Is there a chance you can help me?
: Below is the link for two "Portvolio Cost - Value" graphs.
: Thanks a lot.
: Dmtiry

Hi Dmtiry,

First of all, thanks for making those pictures available, that makes my job much easier!

There are a couple of differences in your graph settings. Probably the most noticeable is due to the historical versus current cost mode. Note one has a "-H" in the legend, and the other is "-C", indicating historical and current cost modes. Historical cost is the cost since inception, so when you sell at a profit, your out of pocket cost actually goes negative. In the current cost mode, the cost is plotted for only the currently owned shares, and it forgets about positions you've already sold. Choose "Help / Help on Graph" from within this graph for a more detailed explanation.

The second difference is the ending graph dates are different.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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