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Reverting to Original Sort Order After Sorting In a Report?

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Posted by Andrew on December 23, 2005 at 08:12:59:

Hi there,

After opening a report and then changing the sort order using the 'SORT' command from withing the report and then closing the report to view the graphs when finished, I notice that the new sort order has remained? It takes me ages to custom sort my investments manually, but it's good to be able to do a quick sort from within a report (e.g. sort by 6 month yields) but I want to be able to go back to my manually sorted list when finished.

I know one way around it is to do a 'save portfolio as' and use this to play around with the sorts in a report and leave my original portfolio 'as is'.

But, is there a way to save the sort order and then reload it later?



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