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Re: Importing investment names

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Posted by Mark on August 20, 2001 at 19:04:48:

In Reply to: Importing investment names posted by Jari Ahmavuo on August 20, 2001 at 16:05:34:

: Mark,

: I'm trying to create several new investments by importing them from a csv file. Everything goes well, but the investment name is not imported and it is set to same as the "symbol".

: Is there any way to import investment names or do I need to change them manually after import?

: br,
: Jari

Hi Jari,
From the generic price import dialog, you can choose the "Options..." button
next to "Create Investments as Needed". From there you can turn on/off
the option to create the investments without prompting. If this option is
on, the name will be the same as the symbol. We do not currently have a field for
specifying name in the generic import, only symbol. You can go back later
and choose 'Investment Properties...' to edit the name.

If you turn off this option, you will be presented with the new investment
dialog each time FM is going to create a new investment. You can then
enter whatever name you want.

The short answer is, no there is no option to import the investment name.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00

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