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Portfolio gain & yield

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Posted by Anil on April 15, 2002 at 02:07:15:

This is a query re portfolio reporting.

Pre-purchase, I am tracking a number of investments in a portfolio. If I generate an 'Investment Performance' report, I get output like:

BegNAV EndNAV Gain %Gain-F Yield
Investment A 100 110 10 10 50
Investment B 200 240 40 20 90
Average 15 70

where Average shows an arithmetic mean of the %Gain-F column and an arithmetic mean of the Yield column).

Instead of this arithmetic 'average' figure which is of limited interest, what I would like to see listed is the %Gain-F (and yield) for the portfolio _as a whole_, eg for %Gain-F:

(350 - 300) / 300 = 16.67%

Is there any way to configure a report to show this information?


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