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Re: Specific-Lot Capital Gain report

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Posted by Mark on November 23, 2002 at 10:50:00:

In Reply to: Specific-Lot Capital Gain report posted by George Timms on November 23, 2002 at 05:25:05:

: I've been using an older (4.7) version of FundManager, and just installed the 6.0 personal version. One of the enhancements between those version was support for specific-lot sales. I have a few requests to improve that support:

: The "cost basis" and "gain/loss" columns on the Specific-Lot Capital Gain report are set to "N.A" if the cost basis and sell value are equal. I would like to see the actual cost basis on the report (regardless of whether there was any gain/loss) and think a value of zero is more informative/accurate than "N.A" for the "gain/loss" on a sale with no gain. I don't know whether the same thing happens on other capital gain reports because I only have zero-gain transactions using the specific-lot method, but I would make the same request for all capital-gain reports.

: I would also like to see cost-basis and gain/loss on the specific-lot report for transactions where no specific lots are identified. FundManager could/should offer an option on each fund for how to computes gain/loss on transactions with no specific-lot identified to handle portfolios (like mine) that use different accounting methods for different funds. Ideally, the default method should be computed using being careful to avoid double-counting shares accounted for by specific-lot sales (although I don't happen to mix accounting methods in one fund).

: FYI, my portfolio includes specific-lot, average-cost, and FIFO sales (in different funds). These enhancements would allow me to see true gain/loss on a single report for my entire portfolio instead of the current report structure, which forces me to use three different reports and either close some fund files or ignore the report lines for funds that use a different accounting method than the report type.

: Thanks.

Hi George,

Thanks for the feedback. I like/agree with the idea of having a report that
shows mixed accounting methods, so you can see all your investments in
a single report, even if they have different accounting methods. Makes sense.

Regarding the "N/A" issue. If the cost basis and sell value are equal
this does not force N/A to be reported. If your investment is fully specified
then all the fields will be shown properly (not N/A). Could this investment
you are describing not be fully specified? If you right click on the
report row that is showing "N/A" and choose "Specify Lots..." you can
make sure that all of the "Redemptions" are fully specified. They should
all have a "Yes" by them in the "Done" column. If this doesn't resolve the
"N/A" question please let me know.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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