FM downloads data outside of range specified
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Posted by David Anderson on November 30, 2002 at 08:27:16:
When I download a date range from Yahoo Historical (and Adjusted Historical) and specify 10/1/2001 - 10/23/2001 I get 10/1 - 11/23. If I change the range from 10/1 - 10/15 I still get 11/23 as the ending date. The problem also appears if I create a virgin dat file and test these dates. In this case I got a download of 10/1-11/30. This behavior is reproducable. I also selected 10/5-10/15 and got 10/5-11/15/01. I recently upgraded to 6.0.324. I am using W2K Pro no SP. Equity is CPQ. Thanks