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More suggestions for the future

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Posted by Daniel Comeau on December 07, 1999 at 20:11:21:

Just though I'd toss a few ideas which I think would be nice to see
in Fund Manager. The first one might be the ability to set a "default"
internet site to retrieve quotes. Then, for each individual investment,
a way to override this default.

Another feature which I personally would find real handy would be
the ability to look at graphs/totals for groups of portfolios together.
For example, let's say I have one portfolio for an Investment Account,
another for a Pension Fund, and another for an RRSP (or retirement) fund.
I like the ability to keep them separate, in different portfolios.
However, it would also be nice to be able to get graphs, totals, summaries,
etc of everything put together, so you can see your complete picture.

Finally, here in Canada, our RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan)
contributions are limited to 20% foreign content (based on book value
of the RRSP portfolio). This is something else which would be nice for
the Canadians in the bunch, though I don't know if there are enough of us
to make it worth your while. It would basically involve the average cost,
which is already calculated for the Tax reports, and using that and the
number of units to get the book value of each investment, and then, with
a way to identify each investment as foreign or domestic, calculate the
total foreign content for the portfolio (if I'm calculating this wrong
please correct me, it's like pulling teeth finding out how these
calculations are actually done!).

Daniel Comeau

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