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Re: Problem with Reconciliation Wizard

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Posted by Dale on February 20, 2007 at 10:56:03:

In Reply to: Re: Problem with Reconciliation Wizard posted by Mark on February 17, 2007 at 19:33:23:

: : Hi Mark,
: : Unable to finish reconciliation because broker statement does not include cash acct data. In reconcile window shares in FM are shown correctly for current value of cash acct but shares under (broker) "statement" are 000.00.

: : One Scottrade account having both stocks & mutual funds. In FM I have a parent Scottrade portfolio containing the cash acct. Below are two child portfolios; one for mutual funds, the other for stocks.

: : Running reconcile from the main portfolio shows all investments balanced EXCEPT for cash acct which shows correctly in FM but 0.00 for Scottrade statement. Running reconcile from either child portfolio shows "unbalanced" investments from other child portfolio since Scottrade broker acct is a single account mixing both types of investments.

: : There is no "escape" on reconcile wizard (eg, do not include cash acct) to deal with this problem unless I missed something in the help file.

: : Dale

: Hi Dale,

: If you look in the 3 transaction/reconcile retrieve log files, do you see any mention of your cash balance? It sounds like Scottrade may not be sending down your cash balance in the list of positions. For info on where/what log files are available, read the very bottom of this page:


: We may need to add an "override" feature, to allow you to go ahead and complete the reconciliation. For now, the best thing is to just cancel it. There is no functionality that really gets changed when you reconcile, other than FM remembering the date you last reconciled.

: Thanks,
: Mark
: --
: Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software

Hi Mark,
Checked the log files. As we guessed Scottrade isn't sending cash acct info in list of positions.

Perhaps, in addition/instead of "override" on reconcile screen would be a per investment setting such as "Do not reconcile" similar to "Hide investment" setting.

Understood reconcile didn't change data files but like to use it as a quick check on whether new acct activity has posted in broker accts.


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