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Re: Strange things happening

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Posted by Mark on June 01, 2007 at 11:00:41:

In Reply to: Strange things happening posted by Jerry on June 01, 2007 at 09:11:30:

: Still running 7.7 with great happines. However, strange things are starting to happen:

: 1. I changed my price retieval source from YAHOO(Historical) to YAHOO and then to MSM (Historical) but Yahoo (Historical) keeps coming up when I retrieve prices regardless of what I selected. I closed the program and reopened with no luck.

: 2. At the top of the graph for my Top Portfolio (when graphing Portfolio Value) I'm getting N.A. for the various yields for the last week or so. The sub-portfolios that feed the Top Portfolio still show the yields correctly.

Hi Jerry,

1) It sounds like 1 or more of your investments are set to Yahoo (Historical) instead of the "". To find which ones are set this way, add "Quote Server" to your Portfolio Editor list view. To change it, right mouse click on the investment, and choose "Properties... / Internet Retrieve" and select , so that this investment will use the default server as assigned under "Options / Internet Settings...".

2) If you're looking at a very short time period, like days/weeks, and you've done really well, it may be too large of a yield? In 7.x, all yields were annualized, so 10% in a week would come out to around 520% annualized.

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