Re: Portfolio Performance Report[ Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on August 02, 2007 at 18:42:35: In Reply to: Portfolio Performance Report posted by Jim on August 02, 2007 at 10:55:31: : Mark, : I am using version 8.6, quote module 385, and transaction module 122. For years on at least a monthly basis I have used the Portfolio Performance Report with year to date option to monitor performance. I have just tried this report for year to date through July 31 and the results for the totals of %Gain-I and %Gain-V are N.A. Each individual investment has a good number for these columns, but the totals are N.A. Other options such as last month and last quarter work. The dates at the top of the report are correct, 1/1/2007 - 7/31/2007. Any thoughts?? : Jim Hi Jim, There are 2 common reasons this can happen: 1) The beginning value is $0 I'm assuming since you've been tracking for a while, that it isn't #1, so that leaves #2. You mentioned that all your investments have a value reported. How about if you turn on "View / Hidden Investments/Portfolios"? If you have an investment that is both long (positive share balance) and short (negative share balance) within the time period of the report, these %Gains will report as N/A, and so will the overall sub-portfolio. If you didn't intentionally have any short positions, please check that maybe you didn't sell a small fraction of a share too much, so you ended with a negative share balance. You can turn up the share digit display to 6 under "Options / Preferences... / Display", and then look in the Data Register under the "Prices" data type to look at your running share balance out to 6 significant digits.
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