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Re: Money Market Inaccuracies in Rebuilt Subportfolios

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Posted by Mark on September 10, 2007 at 11:52:17:

In Reply to: Re: Money Market Inaccuracies in Rebuilt Subportfolios posted by Steve on September 10, 2007 at 11:21:30:

Hi Steve,

: Yes, the new money market symbol arrives after the OFX download. The problem is that I've already assigned a default cash account that's different. How to manage this?

If you already have a money market, and you want these transactions to go into your existing investment (rather than create a new investment), you need to assign the CUSIP property of your existing investment. When importing from OFX transactions are matched up to existing investments based on the CUSIP investment property.

: The money market instrument, post-OFX download, is messing up the collective balance of the default cash account and the rest of the subportfolio, and also creating incorrect subportfolio return calculations, but it isn't clear to me where the errors arise.

You might try and start by looking at the balance at an early date. For example, you can look at the end of the very first year, and work your way forward. If you have a mismatch at the end of the first year, then you have fewer transactions to look through. Basically, all the transactions in your FM investment should be in your broker statement too. Going through the transactions one at a time should hilight the problem.

: Did you receive the files I sent containing the default cash account and post-ofx money market account? The reason I sent the files is to determine if there is something basic that I may hopefully correct. So far, I'm not seeing the problem.

Yes, I received 3 investment files, but I wasn't sure which one was what, or what I was looking for?

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