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Re: Scottrade - unable to import account data, timeout error

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Posted by Mark on January 11, 2006 at 09:23:44:

In Reply to: Scottrade - unable to import account data, timeout error posted by Steven Mears on January 11, 2006 at 03:23:09:

: Have been unable to import account data since 1/6/2006; "timeout error". Have tried numerous times at many different times of the day.

: What now, coach?

Hi Steven,

Are you able to retrieve prices okay? How about retrieving from any other brokers? How far does the Scottrade retrieve get before you get this error? Does it say it is getting account list, or getting transactions in the status?

I just tried to retrieve from Scottrade using a fake account, and it connected fine. I only got a signon invalid, which is to be expected... This doesn't test the whole retrieve, but at least it shows their OFX server is still there, and awake.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP/2003

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