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Posted by Mark on February 10, 2006 at 13:53:44:

In Reply to: DRIPs posted by Jan on February 10, 2006 at 13:48:04:

: I have entered all purchases and divident reinvestments for several years and now have need to obtain acquisition dates and prices for tax purposes. Is there an acceptable average (perhaps annual) that I can use, short of listing the 50+ line items? I can't find anythig in Fund Mgr that will do this. . .Thanks

Hi Jan,

You can use the "Capital Gain" reports to help you here. There are 3 methods you can use: FIFO, AVG, or Specific Lot. Each one has a separate report type. A very common one is FIFO, which is "First In First Out". Fund Manager automatically calculates your cost basis, including all your recorded reinvestments. These reports display all the information necessary for a Schedule D.

Mark Beiley
Fund Manager - portfolio management software for Windows

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