Re: Import price data from Fund Manager[ Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Michael on April 10, 2006 at 08:28:56: In Reply to: Re: Import price data from Fund Manager posted by Mark on April 09, 2006 at 21:18:54: : : Hi : : I have created a new stock (A) and would like to import the price data from another Fund Manager stock (B). : : Having selected Stock A in the Portfolio Editor I go to File > Import > Prices > Fund Manager. In the "Import Prices from Fund Manager" dialog that opens I then select the path to Stock B. However, as soon as I click Import I get an error message that says "Could not write to file" and Fund Manager locks up. : : I have tried the same procedure with just Stock A open and encountered the same error message. : : As the help file gives little or no information on the procedure to be followed I would be most grateful if you tell me what I ma doing wrong. : : Many thanks : : Michael : : You are doing it correctly, but it sounds like Fund Manager is not able to write to its own directory. During the import Fund Manager tries to create a temporary file in the folder where your fm.exe is running. It uses this file to output the prices, and then import them. The name of the file is "tf.tmp". Maybe you have a file there already that is marked as read-only? Or, maybe you are running as a user who doesn't have write permission to the folder where FM is running from? : Thanks,
Many thanks for the rapid response and the suggestions. It looks as though this is something of a mystery. I've checked the program folder and there is no tf.tmp file. The program and all other folders have write permission and the user (me) is the Administrator. The only slightly unusual feature about my installation is that the program is installed on the on my D drive (in D:\Program Files\Fund Manager) rather than the C drive. And my data folders are in E:\Shares\FM Data. To eliminate the later from the equation I have tried the import process using a test data file in the sample prices portfolio and encountered the same "Could not write to file" error. Any further thoughts would be appreciated. Regards Michael
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