Re: Trying Evaluation Copy[ Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on August 03, 2006 at 12:41:40: In Reply to: Re: Trying Evaluation Copy posted by David on August 03, 2006 at 12:00:42: : : I don't know what that is. What does it say in the title bar of the message box? Are you sure this is coming from Fund Manager? : The title bar says "Fund Manager", and in any case it happens only when I open FM. : What does the second message box say exactly (since you have to press OK twice)? : The second box says the same thing. In fact, I don't see it open the second time, but the only way to get rid of it is to hit OK twice. : How are you starting Fund Manager? You can start it by going to "Start / All Programs / Fund Manager / Fund Manager". : There's only one thing in my environment which may be unusual. When I installed, I first installed through my Administrator account, since that's what I always do, and then installed again through the User account where I will be using it most of the time, since that's what you told me to do in v.5 to correct some error message I was getting there when I tried to download prices from the User account. : I installed on top of the old version, which I suppose means that some of the old parameters are still being used. I have the program in "D:\Program Files\Fund Manager", and the data in "F:\FundManager\". Windows, of course, is on C:. : Thanks. Hi David, Hmm, I'm not sure where that message is coming from. Here's a couple of things that would be good to try: 1) What if you close your portfolio, and then exit and re-start Fund Manager? Do you still get those error messages? I'm wondering if it is specific to the portfolio opening automatically at startup. 2) What if you run it from your Administrator account? Do you still get that error message? Thanks,
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