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Re: Meaning of 'Close Portfolio' or 'Close All Investments'

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Posted by Mark on August 06, 2006 at 00:18:48:

In Reply to: Re: Meaning of 'Close Portfolio' or 'Close All Investments' posted by Steve on August 05, 2006 at 23:38:01:

: I don't mean to belabor what you already acknowledge above, but you appear to use the nomenclature 'Close' in different ways and the result is a confusing gamut of potentially time-costly mistakes for end-users.

: 1) Right-clicking on a sub-portfolio and clicking the menu selection 'Close' DELETES a subportfolio.
: 2) Clicking 'Close all investments' closes all investments WITHOUT SAVING any of them.
: 3) Clicking 'Close Portfolio' closes AND SAVES all investments IF one allows for saving investments or portfolios on exit.

: It ought to be absolutely clear what end-users are about to do when they perform potentially irreversible modifictions to their data, so these operations really need to be clarified in this software.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the feedback, I do agree we could make this more clear. If you have any suggestion, please let me know. Maybe we need to make the confirmation message when you right mouse click and "Close" a sub-portfolio more clear that it will be gone permanently?

A couple of your points above had some incorrect info, let me try to clarify:

There are 2 types of data files saved by Fund Manager. Investment files (*.dat) contain the pricing and transaction data for each investment. There is an investment file for each investment you create. The second file type is the portfolio file (*.mm4). The portfolio file contains the definition of your sub-portfolios, which investments are in each sub-portfolio, and many of your other preferences, such as colors, etc...

2) "Close All Investments" will save all your investments (*.dat) no matter what. If you don't have "Options / Save Investments On Exit" checked it will prompt you to save them before closing them. Under no circumstances can you close an investment that has been modified without it either being saved for you automatically, or you being asked if you'd like to save before closing.

This command will not however prompt you to save changes to your portfolio file (*.mm4). As I mentioned, this isn't good, and will be corrected.

3) "Close Portfolio" will not close anything that needs saving without either doing it automatically or asking you if you'd like to save. If you don't have the automatic save options on it will prompt you. It will say that changes have been made, would you like to save before closing. This is true for both your investments (*.dat) and portfolio (*.mm4). Nothing will get closed that needs saving without you knowing about it when you use this command.

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