Re: default cash account and OFX before/after subportfolio setup[ Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Steve on August 07, 2006 at 23:25:29: In Reply to: Re: default cash account and OFX before/after subportfolio setup posted by Mark on August 07, 2006 at 11:26:38: Mark, Thank you. Your careful answers address several problems. Some additional questions follow: : When you are "importing" you do get the option to use one of the investments from the import as the default cash account during the import. The difference is that the import can create new sub-portfolios, where the retrieve does not. The on-line documentation contains numerous scattered references to the 'import function'. Is there a tutorial on its use hidden somewhere? : : Two questions: How do I get an OFX retrieval's money market investment symbol set as the default cash account? : There are a couple of ways to do this. You could create the investment before the retrieve. Use "File / New Investment..." and create it, and then you can assign it as the default cash account. You would want to make sure and set the CUSIP properly, so when you do retrieve, any transactions in this money market will match with this investment. You would want to make sure and set the CUSIP properly, so when you do retrieve, any transactions in this money market will match with this investment. Just out of curiousity, what if a client has a cash account which is not in a money market and thus does not have an OFX investment symbol? I presume Fund Manager will still tally OFX transactions against this non-invested default cash account, correct? : The other option would be to retrieve twice. Retrieve transactions so that your money market investment is created. You can then assign it as the default cash account. During the transaction preview of the first retrieve, un-select all transactions except one that creates this money market. That's something I tried last evening. A couple of basic questions concerning this proceedure because my results seem to be more inaccurate when I attempt to use it: 1) Can you explain how to use the check the box labelled "Automatically Record Corresponding Entries in the Default Cash Account" during the first and second retrievals? 2) Must I only select the non-default cash account transactions on the second retrieval, or may I merely download all transactions on the second retrieval with the software automatically omitting the default cash account transactions? : Maybe we could add a check so that if a sub-portfolio was initially empty you be given the option of choosing one of the investments from the retrieve to use as a default cash account. That would be helpful. Any ETA on such a feature enhancement?
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