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Re: 2 Year Plus Data Import from TD Ameritrade

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Posted by Mark on August 11, 2006 at 13:43:48:

In Reply to: 2 Year Plus Data Import from TD Ameritrade posted by Steve on August 11, 2006 at 12:38:18:

: Mark,

: To compare the accuracy of data provided through OFX and transaction data files, I'm creating separate subportfolios in Fund Manager. Creating these subportfolios and subsequently retrieving the OFX data was a snap (of course, the accuracy of the OFX information is a different matter).

: My problem: I'm afraid to make a big mistake while implementing the same process using transaction imports. Fortunately, my data vendor enables transaction data in increments of a year or less, for as many years back as I wish. For my purposes, 2.5 years will suffice.

: My questions: Can you please offer directions on how to get the two 1-year and the one 0.5 transaction files imported into the newly created subportfolios? Any possible problem with the importation of data files larger than 1 month? Are default cash accounts handled the same way as through OFX? Thoughts on the likehood of greater accuracy using the data imports in lieu of OFX? Any other suggestions or insights regarding the optimal way to lessen the risk of inaccurate tallies via these data imports?

Hi Steve,

I'd suggest using a whole new portfolio file (*.mm4), since you already have sub-portfolios for these accounts created with the OFX data. Fund Manager imports into accounts based on account number, and I think you're looking to keep them separate.

Just do a "File / Close Portfolio" to start from a blank slate. Then do "File / Import / Transactions / TD Waterhouse..." (or Ameritrade depending on which service you're subscribed to). The TD Waterhouse files end in .TRN, and the Ameritrade formatted files end in .DAT. Pur all 3 of your files in a new folder, and then in the import just choose to import all files from this folder. It will grab the transactions from all 3 of your files.

There is no problem importing data back as far as you have available.

When creating new sub-portfolios you will be given an opportunity to assign a default cash account. This works the same as the OFX import (but not retrieve).

My experience has been that these data files are of higher quality than the OFX data.

If you want to compare 2 portfolio files (*.mm4) you can have 2 copies of Fund Manager running, one with each of your two different portfolio files (*.mm4) open. That way you can compare your OFX imported portfolio versus the TD Ameritrade imported portfolio.

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