Re: Dvidends in Retrieved Transactions vs Retrieved Prices[ Message Board ] [ Archives ] [ Search ] Posted by Mark on August 13, 2006 at 10:07:56: In Reply to: Dvidends in Retrieved Transactions vs Retrieved Prices posted by Steve on August 13, 2006 at 00:06:40: : When retrieving transactions, I'm also obtaining data on dividends and often on stock splits, as well. I notice that when asked to retrieve prices, boxes for dividend and stock split data may be checked. Does this price dividend and stock split data fill in what may be 'missing pieces' from transaction retrievals? Most importantly, might it possibly corrupt what's already obtained during transaction retrieval? Does one kind of data take precedence over the other by the program?
If you're getting this data from the transaction retrieve I would suggest turning off those options to retrieve div/splits when retrieving prices. Those options are available only when you're using the "Yahoo (Historical)" quote server. The div/split data from Yahoo is redundant with the transaction data from your broker (via OFX). The data from your broker is specific to your account, and is probably more accurate. You don't want to get data from both sources, as there is a risk you could be double counting. Fund Manager does check and ignores duplicates, but if the data was slightly different, you may get a particular dividend recorded twice. As an aside, you probably don't want to be using "Yahoo (Historical)" after your investments are created and you've retrieved historical prices once. Use the regular "Yahoo" server instead to just retrieve current quotes. You set the quote server under "Options / Internet Settings...". This will make your price updates much faster, and also more current. Thanks,
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