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Re: Edit/Investment Data/Delete Price/Date Range

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Posted by Mark on August 14, 2006 at 15:19:22:

In Reply to: Edit/Investment Data/Delete Price/Date Range posted by Steve on August 14, 2006 at 14:37:04:

: Mark,

: Does the above feature also delete stock split and dividend data that was retrieved from Yahoo historical data? Or does this feature only download price data? If it does not delete Yahoo dividend data for a date range, is there any way to perform this task for an entire portfolio/subportfolio in one fell swoop?

Hi Steve,

This command only deletes price data. There is no option to delete all data types, other than to delete the whole investment itself. To delete other data types use the Data Register and the "Delete" button. You can just hold down "Alt + L" (shortcut to the Delete button) to quickly select delete as many times as you have data, to delete all the data.

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