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Found bug in custom data field

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Posted by Linda on September 07, 2006 at 12:19:45:

I believe I found a bug in Fund Manager Personal 7.7, concerning the "Tax basis unrealized gain FIFO (ending)" custom reporting field. Say you have $1000 in an investment, then record a "return of capital" distribution of $100. This reduces the "Tax basis FIFO(end)" value to $900 as it should. Now if I change the ending date for the report back to a date "before" the date I recorded the return of capital distribution the custom report still shows the "Tax basis FIFO(end)" value to be $900. Since the ending date is "before" the distribution the "Tax basis FIFO(end)" value should go back to read $1000. Of course this bug then affects other custom reporting fields, like the "Tax unrlz gain FIFO(end)" field.

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