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Re: selecting investment in portfolio

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Posted by Mark on November 03, 2006 at 16:30:49:

In Reply to: selecting investment in portfolio posted by WINNERHEAD on November 03, 2006 at 16:19:05:

: Mark:

: In portfolio, if I select "Investments", it shows the first 15 or so investments; if I select one of these, it will open to that selected investment.

: Here's the problem. If the investment isn't shown on the initial list, I select "more", and it doesn't matter what I select, it always goes back to the first investment on the list.

This sounds like a bug we fixed in the 8.0.1 release. Please check your version number, and if you're using 8.0, please download the current version. Let me know if this doesn't fix this problem.

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