I had to recently restore my computer an while I had all my data backed up I lost many of the items I had set up.
The Investment Goals and asset types are not backed up with the portfolio. Is there any way to archive them so they don't need to be installed manually again.
I now keep the legend text as a text file in my data folder to put it back quickly but I cannot cut and past all of the type names.
Also now when I double click on an investment in my portfolio editor it brings up the data register not the graph of the investment like it use to do. how can I change that.
Finally I like to have my windows tiled across with the graphs on the left and the portfolio editor on the right just showing the portfolios as a tree and the investments of whichever portfolio I have selected. The graph is about 3/5 of the screen and is maximized to fit the area. When Fundmanager is shrunk with the box at the top, the editor disappears (It does not keep it's aspect ratio. the same when I move between monitors (Which are different sizes) is there any way to store the aspect ratio so when ever I restore or move Fundmanager I don't have to resize my windows inside the Fundmanager container?