Version 195 of the transaction retrieve module is now available. This release updates the Vanguard server. To download this update select "Help / Fund Manager on the Web / Check for Updates..." from within Fund Manager.
Special Note:
Vanguard's OFX server is returning signon invalid intermittently, even when correct login credentials are supplied. To address this instability, Fund Manager will automatically re-try the request 3 times before reporting a failure. This is usually sufficient to get the requested information. If you prefer to increase or decrease this re-try count for Vanguard's OFX server you can do so by recording a registry only option. Use the "regedit" tool in Windows to create a string value under this existing key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\Internet Retr
Create a new "string" value in this key named VanguardRetryMax and set the data value to however many retries you want when retrieving from Vanguard. Set this to 0 for no re-tries. The default is 3 if you do not have a value set here.