I'm just starting with a trial FM8 Pro and have retrieved transactions from Vanguard which includes 3 funds.
1) It has taken a lot of pondering to understand that the portfolio Value graph does not hit the highs shown on the Vanguard site because FM must be missing the intermediate price points. Also the drop of recent months does not really show except on the very last day, again I assume not enough points. Is it possible to fill in more points via RetrieveSelectedPrices? Or am I missing something?
2) On two of the funds the SharePrice graph has a bunch of green boxes with red dots on top of the turquoise graph line. The third one has orange Xs with red dots well above the turquoise graph line for most of the graph except it does match for the last 5 points. When I look at the data for say 1997, all five points are in the $70 to $80 range. They however seem to graph in the $70 to $120 range. The turquoise line seems to be correct. Please explain.
Thanks, Alan