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Problem with cash account reporting unrealised gain

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby Exspextations » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:08 am

I have a cash account linked to a Euro portfolio were I keep a small cash float for account charges. The portfolio editor reports Value as €233.14 with a Basis of €234.14 showing an unrealised gain of -€0.54. The Data Register shows a share balance of €233.6000 and a market value of €233.60 and the Price of all transactions is €1 and the Shares and Total of each transaction are all exactly the same. No money has been added to the cash account since it was open, with the only transactions arising from Buy / Sell, dividend payments and regular account charges.

Question: why is there the small discrepancy in reported in the Portfolio Editor and how do I correct it?
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Joined: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:14 am

Postby Mark » Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:42 am

Hi Exspextations,

Sorry about the delay in responding, I missed seeing this post somehow...

Are you asking why the market values differ in the 2 windows, or why the cost basis is different than the value?

What is your default currency? What currency is this cash investment assigned to? Is this cash assigned and displayed in the default currency, or is it being converted to € via an exchange rate adjustment?

Market Value Differences:
The Portfolio Editor displays values as of your current computer's date. Where exactly in the Data Register are you viewing the share balance and value? If you're looking in the lower/right, those are displayed for the later of the current date or your last recorded transaction. If it is for a date later than today, the date will be displayed as well, for clarity. A difference in date could also be the cause. You can create a Portfolio Value report, and this way you can specify the date. If you set the Portfolio Value report to the current computer date, it should be the same as the Portfolio Editor numbers.

Cost Basis:
If all your transactions are recorded at a price of 1, but the basis is different than the value, then you probably have an account fee or return of capital type of distribution recorded. These 2 types of distributions will adjust your cost basis. A return of capital lowers your basis, and an account fee paid increases your basis.
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