Aloha Mark, et al,
In order to effectively compare the investment and portfolio performance of my subportfolios to market indices, I created a new subportfolio called indices and added securities (type = index) to it. The dozen or so “securities” have a purchase price of $1. (I understand this skews the total portfolio value, but it is minimal.) This is to keep both myself and the mutual funds honest -- sometimes I prefer a benchmark not in the fund reports -- and to centralize information to a common platform.
It seems that some of the symbols readily available via an internet search will not always return the desired data. Does anyone have thoughts/sources for benchmarks to retrieve the desired data. Below are a few examples:
DJIA (^DJIA) – historic retrieve only; price retrieve does not work
Dow Jones US Completion (DWCPF) – neither price nor historic retrieve work
S&P500 (^GSPC) – both price and historic retrieve work
S&P Small Cap 600 (^SP600 price retrieve only; historic retrieve does not work. ^SML does not work)
Russel2000 (IWM) – both price and historic retrieve work
Russell Midcap (IWR) – both price and historic retrieve work
I believe all testing was with Yahoo for both price and historic retrieves; however I do not think changing the server made a difference. I cannot say I exhaustively verified this for every possibility.
Any assistance would be appreciated!
(BTW this would be a wonderful modification. I am using the personal version and am considering upgrading to the professional version. I understand there is a limited ability to do this in the Advisor version in client reports but that is too much for my personal needs)