I neglected to download the last update to the 2014 professional version of Fund Manager, 2014.13.8.
According to the revision history, "Fixed issue where the quote/transaction modules could be incorrectly reported as having a bad digital signature". This is the problem I am having with my latest version, 2014.13.7.
Is there a location where the 2014.13.8 version of the professional version can b downloaded?
I tried https://www.fundmanagersoftware.com/download_old_fm.php location but it does not seem to be working foe me. OK, it did work, I had not the correct information the first time I teed it.
After downloading the 2014.13.8 version of the professional version, and installing it. I tired to update to the Quote Module version 494 and the Transaction Retrieve Module version 218 from the previous versions. Then i get "Quote module is not digitally signed" and "Transaction module is not digitally signed".