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Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby efe » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:46 pm

Hello Mark,

I noticed that after uploading my portfolios, reports such as portfolio valuation and bond summary are blank. Also when I try to sell a bond, the cash does not flow through the portfolio. Is there anyway that this can be resolved? Also I noticed that the bonds I uploaded does not show coupon and maturity dates as well.

This is a sample of what uploaded:

6 1 15 9.25ACCESS24JUN21-1 BUY 103.194028 5300 0 9.25 6 6-24-2021
7 12 18 9.25ACCESS24JUN21-2 BUY 100.4625 3400 0 9.25 6 6-24-2021
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Postby Mark » Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:00 pm

Hi efe,

I see a few issues:

- The key should be TRAN, and not TRANS

- If your file is tab delimited, use TAB in the format string, not an actual tab character (or switch to commas)

- The BONDMAT field should be formatted with forward slashes, not dashes (6/24/2021)

I've fixed up these issues in the attached file. You can import this with the format string:

modified file to import
(192 Bytes) Downloaded 286 times
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Postby efe » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:57 am

Thank you Mark. Can I use CSV as well or just txt?

I also want to upload Zero Coupon bonds is this the correct format?

1,18,18,TB170119-6,BUY,86.33753425,14243200 0,15.86795375,1/18/2018,1/17/2019
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Postby efe » Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:21 am

So i used the text format as prescribed. But the assets are still not valuing, the maturity date and other details are also not showing. However when i sell a bond and purchase a fresh one manually it shows and can run a valuation
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Postby Mark » Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:45 am

Hi efe,

The bond details are only updated on "new" investments created from the import. It won't change the properties of already existing investments. Maybe that is the reason you're not seeing the bond properties. If you first close your portfolio, and then import using the sample file and format string I provided, do you see the bond properties show up under "Investment Properties... / Income"? I verified this is working here, so I'm guessing it is because you are trying to import while you already have existing investments with those symbols.

Yes, you can import from a CSV file. A CSV file is just a text file, where the field delimiters are commas. You just need to provide the appropriate format string (with commas) when importing. I find it helpful to open up the CSV file in a text editor, like Notepad, so you can see how it is formatted.

For Zero Coupon Bonds that redeem at face value, set the Coupon Rate to 0% and the Payment Frequency to the desired accrual period for YTM and Accretion calculations.
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