I've got a report that lists every kind of distribution available + the total. This reconciles--the bottom line in the "Total dist (btw)" column equaling the sum of the other column totals. However, in the final column "Acct Fee Dist (btw)" (a negative), I've got one security with -12.97 but the bottom line is -15.15. No other security has anything in this column; no other anomalies in the other columns; all columns are "btw" numbers; there are no "per share" numbers.
The Data Register says that Merrill Lynch "reported" this as a 12.97 Account Fee (displayed rounded to 13), but the Memo describes it as foreign tax withholding. That's easy to understand but it still doesn't explain why the column total is what it is. (The report does have a foreign tax column with all zeroes.)
Any suggestions as to what is going on? what to look for?