I have about many portfolios for watching stocks, different industries (Green, AI, Defense ...) but one main portfolio for the family. Inside that Portfolio are about 10 sub portfolios that are for Roth's, IRA's, Trust's and Kids. Some stocks appear in multiple sub portfolios. I then copy all the investments to a new master portfolio called All Holdings.
I have started using the Note feature to display a note on the screen of stocks that are V-Bearish, Bearish, Neutral, Bullish or V-Bullish. I" had all the stocks almost done two days ago when I fat fingered a key combination that locked FM up. Usually when I do that FM comes back if I let it sit but this time FM shut down and I lost all of my new notes (I had not been saving the investments - My Bad. So I started over and after each sub portfolio I saved the investments and the portfolio. Most of these new notes were configured as Label only with a custom color. This morning when I restarted most of them were gone again and so were the custom colors. So today I am starting over but putting a comment in each note and no custom colors. I also reworked all my alerts for the stocks but did not lose any of those that I see so far.
My question is there a max number of notes allowed per investment or per license or do you know of any problems with the notes.